That's step one. A desire. Step two is letting it work in you. Alma continues to compare faith to a seed. How does a seed grow? You plant it. You nuture it. Give it water and sunshine. Likewise faith needs to be planted in your heart, and you have to nuture it every day. How is it that one nurtures faith? By communication with your Heavenly Father through scripture study and prayer.
Step three. As you study the word of God and talk to him daily you will feel "swelling motions," as Alma eloquantly stated. You will feel it warm in your heart, and you will know for yourself that the seed is good. That your faith is growing. Your faith will enlarge your soul until you know. Your understanding will be enlightened. You will gain your testimony. All it takes is 3 steps.
I realized again today that a testimony is not something tangible, it is not something solid. The steps must be repeated over and over. I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who lets us work for our testimonies. My testimony is ever changing. Ever growing. It means more that way. For those of you who are struggling with your testimony; don't get discouraged. You are a son or daughter of Diety. If you don't know that, start with step one and then ask. I promise He will answer. It is a reliable formula, three steps long. Try it and I promise you will gain - you will expand - your testimony.
The sweetest truth I have come to know is that I am a daughter of God. He is ever mindful of me. He blesses and helps me. He sent His son to live and die for me. The Atonement was the whole purpose of God's plan. It was and is for me to use every day. My Heavenly Father loves me so much. And that is something I can always count on. Having faith and a hope that I have a loving Heavenly Father is how mine started, and know I can say I know. He is there. He loves me. This is my simple testimony. Please comment and share with me yours.
Faith is like a seed, if planted it will grow.