Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Looketh on the Heart

I've been thinking a lot about competition.  I've been struggling with comparing myself to others.  I'm guessing I'm not alone in that.  But the problem with comparing is that normally we compare our worst to everyone else's best.  Well that's not fair or realistic, so we all need to take a page out of President Uchtdorf's book and "Stop It."

A few weeks ago I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting and the speaker said something that brought me back to reality.  He said, "the only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday."  The Lord doesn't compare us to anyone else.  The Lord "looketh on the heart."  He looks at your heart.  He doesn't look at so and so's heart and then say, "you're not the same so you're not as good."  Instead He says, "good job, you are trying and I love that." 

As long as you are just a little better than the person you were yesterday, you are making progress.  The Lord notices that, and is pleased with that.  Don't worry that you may not be as good at something as he is or as pretty as she is.  The Lord's not worried about it.  And He gives them their own trials.  The Lord loves you.  All He asks is that you love Him in return and try your best.  You are worth something.  You're better than you think!  That is true doctrine. 

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